
Experiments on Animals

In your recent article about a demonstration at Procter & Gamble over the increased use of dogs and ferrets in animal testing for their products, it was implied that the Oxnard Republican Women’s group was involved in the protest. This is not the case.

The Oxnard Republican Women have not taken a stand and did not take a stand on that day on the company’s activities.

The implication mentioned above was derived by a reporter asking what groups and organizations I was affiliated with. I am vice president, not president, of Oxnard Republican Women; I will be installed as president on Dec. 7.


And, although as its newly installed president I may be working next year on Assemblyman Tom McClintock’s reelection campaign, I am not individually in charge of it.

All those involved in the demonstration appreciate the Times’ coverage of our effort to alert the public to the unnecessary and cruel use of animals in product testing.


