
SHORT TAKES : Rock Singer Charged After Act

<i> From Times staff and wire service reports</i>

A heavy-metal rock singer was charged with killing a chicken on stage and simulating a lewd act with the carcass during the song “Voodoo Chile.”

Police said the incident was so disgusting that some members of the audience helped them gather evidence against the singer, Charles (Chip) Owen, 25, of the Popcycle Love Sponge band.

The rock singer’s lawyer said the chicken was already dead and that the act was only “suggestive” of a sex act but Owen was charged with felony animal cruelty and three misdemeanor sex charges.


“I’ve seen a lot of bands but this is the sickest thing I’ve ever seen,” said Lance Brown, 21, a security guard at the Phoenix Theater.

The incident allegedly occurred early Saturday while Owen and his band were performing a Jimi Hendrix song, “Voodoo Chile,” at a theater before an audience of about 60 people.
