
Cal-Vet Benefits May Be Offered to Units Serving in Mideast

Times Staff Writer

Cal-Vet home and farm loan benefits would be extended to members of California military units serving as in Operation Desert Shield under legislation to be introduced in the Assembly.

“The debate on whether to go to war must not cause us to lose sight of the outstanding efforts of our young men and women in the field,” said Assemblyman Dan Hauser (D-Arcata), the author of the bill (AB 270).

“This bill recognizes the supreme sacrifice which our military personnel are prepared to make and provides them with the same benefits that have been extended to veterans of previous (military) conflicts.”


California war veterans are eligible to apply for up to $125,000 in home and farm purchase loans.


Appointed Benjamin A. Haddad to head his gubernatorial branch office in Washington, D.C. Haddad, 35, had worked for Rep. Bill Lowrey (R-San Diego). He will receive $91,224 a year in his new position.


Bill Introductions

Child Abuse: AB 254 by Assemblyman Jim Costa (D-Fresno) would increase to 15 years in prison the penalty for those who abuse children under their care when that abuse results in great bodily harm or the death of the children. The penalties now range from two to six years in prison.


Initiatives: ACR 13 by Assemblyman Jim Costa (D-Fresno) would establish a citizens commission to study ways of improving the ballot initiative process.

Women: ACR 15 by Assemblywoman Bev Hansen (R-Santa Rosa) would designate the month of March as Women’s History Month and urge all Californians to join in the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8.

Black History: ACR 16 by Assemblyman Curtis Tucker Jr. (D-Inglewood) would honor contributions of African-Americans and proclaim February Black History Month.


Lithuania: AJR 8 by Assemblywoman Paula L. Boland (R-Granada Hills) asks President Bush and the Congress to condemn Soviet aggression in Lithuania.


Bill Introductions

Women: SB 172 by Sen. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) would require that more women and ethnic minorities be considered for appointment to gubernatorial boards and commissions.

Child Support: SB 163 by Sen. Diane Watson (D-Los Angeles) would allow the courts to order the continuation of child support payments for educational purposes from age 18 to age 21.

Economy: SB 161 by Sen. Mike Thompson (D-St. Helena) would create a state council on economic, agricultural and environmental enhancement to develop a strategic plan for long-term and short-term goals.

Spanish Exposition: SB 170 by Sen. Henry Mello (D-Watsonville) would appropriate $3.5 million in state money to build a pavilion at the 1992 World Exposition in Seville, Spain. The purpose is to stimulate trade and tourism.


Tax Return Errors: More than 18,000 taxpayers who made mistakes on last year’s state income tax returns are being contacted by the Franchise Tax Board in hopes of preventing them from goofing again. The pilot project calls for letters to be sent to affected taxpayers in Bakersfield, Chico, Redding and Eureka. “The purpose of the letter is to help taxpayers avoid errors this year by reminding them of the mistakes they made on last year’s return,” said Anne Smith, taxpayers’ rights advocate on the board.


Capital Fact

The official state fossil is the saber-toothed cat, a powerful tiger-sized carnivore with eight-inch fangs that was common in California 40 million years ago.
