
Design a Gun for Home Protection

It appears that the major reason effective gun control laws cannot be passed--or, if passed, cannot be enforced--is due to fear of intruders by the ordinary citizen.

Even though they are aware of the dangers of possessing handguns, many people feel they need a gun for protection. Why not create a special gun designed specifically for home protection?

This gun would have the following specifications: It would be very accurate at distances up to 60 feet; it would be nonlethal at any distance; it would stun rather than kill; it would be easy to operate; it would be useless for hunting; its purchase would be strictly controlled, and require a training course by every family member (except infants), and its use in any situation other than defense would be strictly prohibited and carry stiff penalties for unauthorized use.


I envision a weapon something like a sawed-off shotgun. It would be lightweight, so it could be handled by little old ladies, and fire lightweight plastic pellets. It would create a very big bang when fired. The shells as well as the gun would be registered.

The idea is that it would stun, maybe even knock out an intruder, but not kill him. Perhaps it would be a double-barreled weapon, so a second shot would be the persuader if required.

This would turn the homeowner into a formidable opponent, rather than a helpless victim. But it would not make him a killer.


With such a weapon, it would not be necessary to keep unreliable, but lethal, handguns around. It probably wouldn’t stop the gang wars, but it might help the law-abiding citizen sleep better at night.


