
Mexico’s Needs and Dolphins

Don’t muddy the issue of either politics or fishermen’s concerns by presenting a can of tuna as the epitome of affordable protein.

Anyone who has done a modicum of reading on the subject knows that vegetable sources, like whole grains, legumes and nuts, are the only truly cheap sources of protein.

Enough grain is already grown in the world to adequately feed every single human being on this planet. The problem is that more than 50% of world grain production is used as food for meat-producing animals.


If Rodriguez’s concern is really for the poor of Mexico and not politics, she should be arguing for vegetarianism and better agricultural practices.

It is simply untrue to say that Greenpeace’s efforts to save the dolphins do not apply to Third World realities.

What Mexico does not need is to “increase the consumption of animal-based protein.”

MARY LOU ROSCZYK, Huntington Beach
