
Avoid Unsafe Sexual Behavior

The Ventura County district attorney’s office is in the process of prosecuting David Scott Crother for allegedly not telling his partner that he was infected with the HIV virus. The woman later tested positive to the virus and gave birth to an HIV-infected baby.

Gay and Lesbian Resources of Ventura County (GLR) has been in the forefront of AIDS education and prevention since the mid-1980s. Our volunteers run a countywide AIDS information hot line (805-389-1530), and we offer free counseling and support services to people with AIDS and their loved ones. We know the tragedy and suffering AIDS inflicts.

We believe it is unconscionable for anyone, gay or straight, who carries the AIDS virus to indulge in unsafe sex practices with others. Our hot line experience indicates that such behavior is common, even among married men with wives of child-bearing age. We caution everyone who calls or comes in for counseling to practice safer sex. We advise that only abstinence or sex with a healthy, faithful partner is 100% safe.


The board of directors of GLR encourages legal action against high-risk sexual behavior by HIV-infected persons.


Board of Directors

Gay and Lesbian Resources
