
WORLD : ‘Black Pope’ Arrupe Dies at 83

Times Wire Services

The Rev. Pedro Arrupe, the “Black Pope” of the Jesuit order who clashed with three Popes over such religious dogma as priestly celibacy, birth control and women in the priesthood, died in Rome at age 83 after a lengthy illness.

The Spanish-born Arrupe, whose advocacy of revolution to cure social ills found a home in Latin America but not in Rome, died during the night in the general headquarters of the worldwide Jesuit order, near the Vatican.

Arrupe served as superior general of the Society of Jesus--the largest order in the Roman Catholic Church--from May, 1965, to October, 1981.


He was the 28th superior general of the order founded in 1534 by a Spanish priest, the Rev. Ignio Loyola, with particular dedication to the education of youth and foreign missions.
