
The Justness of Gulf War

First, Bush invites that old hawk Billy Graham to the White House to be sure that God is on his side. Graham is good at this. He did the same thing for his beloved pal Richard Nixon during Vietnam and Watergate.

Then we have Bush, who started this war, asking all the accommodating Christian church fathers to set aside a day to pray for peace. (How’s that again?)

Finally, we are told that the affable Rev. Robert Schuller is also holding a pray-for-peace extravaganza with none other than Vice President Dan Quayle leading the congregation (Part A, Feb. 8).


Compare all this self-serving, self-righteous, self-delusion with the poignant self-searching and humane expressions of pity for their Iraqi enemies from the Marines interviewed in their bunker in Saudi Arabia by John Balzar (Feb. 5). When they hear the sounds of B-52 bombing attacks and ground artillery “gut-rippers” being inflicted on their Iraqi foes, they comment: “They’re doing what they think is right, either that or because they are scared for their families . . . just like we are.”

Quick, Bush, you’d better order Graham over there to remind these young soldiers that this war of yours is “just.”

JUNE MAGUIRE, Mission Viejo
