
Building Ban OKd for Malibou Lakes

A partial moratorium on building in the Malibou Lakes area was approved Tuesday by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

The emergency ordinance, which lasts for 45 days but can be renewed, bars new construction approvals and requires more thorough scrutiny of fire hazards on projects already pending with the county Planning Department. It was enacted to remedy fears expressed by homeowners in the area that additional development would increase fire hazards in the isolated region.

Some owners of small lots in the area, who plan to build single houses on them, objected to the proposal by Supervisor Ed Edelman, saying it groups them together with developers who they said have been insensitive to fire danger and access problems.


“We’re not penalizing anybody,” Edelman said. “It would be irresponsible for this board not to do anything,” Edelman said.

During the moratorium, county planners have been asked to study the area and come up with proposals for improving access for county fire trucks.
