
Glass House: Things are bad when the...

Compiled by YEMI TOURE

Glass House: Things are bad when the American Forest Resource Alliance can’t see the forest for the trees. The picture in its newspaper ad was of a typical American family, right? Wrong. It was of John and Charlotte Fedders and their family. John Fedders is the former Securities and Exchange Commission chief of enforcement, who resigned after an ugly divorce battle that included charges that he beat his wife for 18 years. The alliance still cannot explain how the picture got there.

* Red Tape: A brother has won an eight-year struggle against bureaucracy to bring his sister back to their family in West Virginia. Rita Greene, 63, has been hospitalized in Washington, D.C., in a vegetative state for 40 years after her heart stopped temporarily in an allergic reaction to a hospital anesthetic. Brother James Greene said of the bureaucracy: “So many had their hands on this. They’d say they hadn’t received some paper work and it would be across the hall.”

* Former gymnast Olga Korbut is hoping to rally support for others who, like herself, are still enduring the effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Korbut, 35, star of the 1972 Munich Olympics, lives with thyroid problems and exhaustion. “When I go home, it’s hard to even walk outside, because I see the suffering of people and it hurts me.”


* Vanna Whitewash: The autobiography of “Wheel of Fortune” letter-turner Vanna White is a whitewash, says her co-writer. Bart Andrews, who helped write “Vanna Speaks,” says White knifed “all the good parts” from his manuscript. Example: “Her mother was abused by her real-life father with knives and things,” Andrews said in an TV interview airing today. “Then (Vanna) said, ‘Oh, I can’t possibly say this because I don’t want anyone to know what I did here or what I did there.’ ”
