
MOORPARK : City Gets $193,000 in Federal Funds

The city of Moorpark will distribute more than $190,000 in federal money to projects benefiting low- and moderate-income residents this year, but the funds fall about $71,000 short of the total requested by local program organizers.

More than $50,000 of the community development block grant money will be allocated for services, such as senior nutrition, adult literacy and homeless aid programs, said Don Reynolds, management analyst for the city.

The remaining $143,773 should be earmarked for one large project, Reynolds said. A company trying to acquire land for an affordable housing project in the city has received the most attention to date, he said.


Thirteen different groups, representing interests ranging from cancer patients to victims of domestic violence, addressed the City Council Wednesday night requesting money.

During the next few weeks, the council’s budget and finance committee will review the proposals and the council will make final appropriations April 17.

National objectives for the grant include eliminating slum conditions or relieving an urgent health and safety need.


Last year, the city used the funds to improve streets and structures in low-income areas and to assist the Boys and Girls Club in purchasing a new site.
