
Reagan’s Support for Brady Bill

In response to your editorial in support of the Brady Bill (“Better Late Than Never,” March 30):

The Times and former President Reagan seem to have glossed over a fatal flaw in this emotionally charged legislation. No matter how “reasonable” or well-intentioned a national seven-day waiting period may sound, it doesn’t do any good if the procedure for a mandatory background check isn’t in place to make sure the wrong people are weeded out. And contrary to popular opinion, the Brady Bill (HR 7) does not require local or state law enforcement agencies to perform a background check of the handgun buyer for either a criminal record or history of mental problems. All it does is make the prospective purchaser wait seven days before taking possession. John Hinckley bought the gun he used against Jim Brady and Reagan five months before that tragic incident.

Instead of pushing for ineffective legislation to control criminal misuse of firearms, The Times and other advocates of gun control would be well-advised to join millions of law-abiding gun owners and consider HR 1412. Unlike the Brady Bill, HR 1412 requires every handgun buyer to be checked for criminal and mental record. And unlike the Brady Bill, HR 1412 allows legally qualified individuals to take care of the background check at the time of sale without undue inconvenience to either buyer or seller. This same system is being used by the state of Virginia and, in fact, was endorsed by Sarah Brady and Handgun Control Inc., who testified in support of the concept as a model that could set the standard for a national computerized instantaneous check program.


Most guns used in crimes come from other than over-the-counter sources. Making someone wait to buy a gun will have little or no impact on the problem. However, if we want to make sure criminals cannot exploit the system, then we need to tighten up the loopholes and take advantage of modern technology. HR 1412 does that, the Brady Bill doesn’t.


NRA Field Representative

Southern California, Simi Valley
