
No-Fault Insurance

I heartily endorse Gov. Pete Wilson’s attempt to bring no-fault auto insurance to California motorists (front page, March 28). But I am concerned about the driver who takes out insurance, registers his car and immediately cancels the insurance for a refund.

Why not add a few cents to each gallon of gas, which would be each driver’s payment for minimum coverage? Assuming that the average driver travels around 10,000 miles per year, with the minimum policy estimated to cost around $220 yearly, this would break down to around 2 cents per gallon. Raise the amount to 3-4 cents if need be and most people would hardly realize the increase. What could be more fair? You pay for minimum protection only when you actually use the car and it automatically covers every driver on the road.

Would it work? It does in South Africa and many other countries where I have lived and traveled.



La Mesa
