
Let Those Who Ride Decide

In response to Aaron Curtiss’ article, “Butting Heads Over Helmets,” this country is slowly but surely strangling the very foundation upon which we originally envisioned and built it--freedom to choose. To choose where we live, where to work, how many children to have. Freedom to choose what to drive.

I choose to drive a motorcycle. My freedom of choice is being threatened. Not by a fellow motorcyclist, but by some pencil-pushing assemblyman named Floyd.

We would definitely make the world safer if, when we got out of bed in the morning, we simply strapped on our custom-made, lifesaving, color-coordinated lid locker, and went on with our daily lives.


Let’s not waste any more time and money trying to control each others lives for our own good. Let’s concentrate on educating new riders in schools.

Make the tests harder than they are, so that the newly licensed riders aren’t involved in as many accidents in the first place.

Please don’t strap a helmet on me. Let those who ride decide.


