
A Vote for a Sense of Community

Concerning your article “Armenians View Election as Political Step Forward” (April 18, Glendale section), I hope that my vote for Larry Zarian and Eileen Givens in the City Council election was for the entire community of Glendale and not just for Armenian special interest groups.

It would be beneficial for all of us for the Armenian immigrants to become Americanized as soon as possible so that they can become productive citizens. Since they chose this country to start new lives in, they can show their loyalty to America by adopting our culture, while still retaining a history of their motherland.

As far as the Armenian community suggesting that city flags fly at half-staff in remembrance of a much debated genocide, I would say, “OK,” as long as city flags also fly at half-staff in remembrance of the white Europeans’ conquest of our Native American Indians and the black Africans being sold to white Americans by Arab tribes.



