
Claremont : Student Parking Curbed

Claremont High School students who are unable to park on campus before school starts at 7:45 a.m. will no longer be able to leave their cars at nearby Cahuilla Park.

The City Council voted to ban parking at Cahuilla between 1 a.m. and 9 a.m. The restricted hours are intended to eliminate overflow parking from the school’s three lots, while maintaining public access to the park’s recreation building and youth activity center.

The council also directed its staff and the Police Department to monitor adjacent neighborhoods to ensure that students do not park there.


The restrictions came after residents complained that students leave trash in the park and drive at high speeds. School officials said the 482 spaces at the school cannot accommodate faculty, staff and student drivers. They said parking permits, sold to juniors and seniors to help pay for maintenance of the school’s lots, do not discourage driving.
