
The Santa Ana District’s Plan for a Health Clinic Is a Needed One--Sick Children Should Be Helped

Try as I may, I cannot understand why ignorance and stupidity must play such a vital role in the decision-making process of social issues.

The debate over whether to put a health-care facility in the Santa Ana School District for grades K-5 (was) ludicrous (“School Board to Consider Plans for Clinic,” May 13).

We bright and shining citizens know that it is simply out of the question to help children if there is even the most remote possibility of such unspeakable monstrosities as the B.C. thing (birth control) and the P. word (pregnancy) filtering into those innocent ears. By God, we’ll protect them from sin even if we have to kill them to do it.


Does that sound ridiculous? It should, and it doesn’t really seem to be an overstatement.

Viola Floth is more concerned about the mandate of the people than she is about whether or not a young child is sick and suffering.

Get them a nurse, she says; send them into the system; what the heck, let them eat cake.

I don’t recall giving Ms. Floth the right to speak for this person, and if I have, then she seems to have twisted my words to her own end.

Personally, I believe that a sick child should receive medical attention.

I think it’s a fine idea to provide a clinic for these children. Our country is completely incapable of dealing with the health-care issue for a tremendous number of its people, and here we have the means to see to it that at least some of our citizens, albeit rather tiny ones, are properly cared for.


Unfortunately, for the sake of someone’s enlightenment (I’m not sure whose), and to satisfy the collective guilt of yet another self-serving interest group, we have to approach these real problems by the old one-step-forward, two-steps-back method.

I think it’s time that the Viola Floths put a lid on it; that the Msgr. Jaime Sotos stepped from behind their vestments and stood up for what is good and right, and the Richard C. Hernandezes stopped worrying so much about their political careers and concentrated on the health and well-being of the children who have been put into their care.

CLARK W. HEPWORTH, Santa Ana Heights
