
Supreme Court Ruling on Prayer

In response to “Justices Prohibit Prayer at Public School Rites,” front page, May 7:

Let’s be consistent. If we strike prayer from graduation exercises because it violates the principle of separation of church and state, then let’s get rid of the God-talk in other public places (we would never want to be judged for referring to the creator in public).

How about “In Us We Trust” on our coins? and “We Bless America” and “ . . . one nation under our political leaders with liberty and justice for all”? We’ve got to scrutinize our words in light of absolute integrity.

A nation founded on religious liberty and profession of faith in God has come to this!

So, California, the next time we experience a six to eight temblor on the Richter Scale, let’s not assume that there has been a shift in the North American plate. It could be our founding mothers and fathers as they roll over in their graves.


SISTER MARY ANN FOY, R.S.C.J., Spiritual Ministry Center, San Diego
