
1,000 Turn Out for ‘Lonely’ Bash

The Scene: The premiere of 20th Century Fox’s “Only the Lonely” Tuesday at the Avco in Westwood. A party followed five blocks away at Stratton’s Bar & Grill. The bittersweet comedy about a 38-year-old Chicago policeman (John Candy) who lives with his fiercely possessive mother (Maureen O’Hara) was made by the same team (director Chris Columbus and producer John Hughes) that shaped “Home Alone.”

Who Was There: The film’s stars--Candy, O’Hara and Jim Belushi--plus director Columbus. Among the 1,000 guests were Joan Chen, Mario Van Peebles, Roddy McDowall, Howie Mandel, Charlene Tilton, Kings owner Bruce McNall and Wayne Gretzky with wife Janet Jones. “It’s a wholesome crowd,” one woman said. “Not your usual live bait tank.”

The Locale: Broxton Avenue was blocked off to traffic for the Chicago-themed party that used Stratton’s interior and the next-door parking lot. There was a large police presence because of the recent Westwood riots. Thirty LAPD officers, including two on horseback, stood guard.


The Buzz: It was great to see Maureen O’Hara back on the screen, even if she did return as an Irish mother from hell. “I was waiting for a good script,” said O’Hara. “I didn’t want to do something where I’d wake up and say, ‘Dear God, do I have to go work again?’ ”

Chow: Since it was Chicago-themed food, there was enough cholesterol to clog the Loop. Deep-dish pizza, hot dogs and some particularly deadly sausage tempted the guests.

Quoted: “The film is riddled with guilt,” said Candy. “There’s Irish-Catholic guilt, Italian-Catholic guilt, mother-son guilt, guilt-guilt and just plain guilt.”
