
A benefit comedy show Monday night raised...

Compiled by Kenneth Williams

A benefit comedy show Monday night raised $5,300 for Hospice Orange County Inc., an Irvine nonprofit counseling and referral agency for the terminally ill that plans to build a hospice. On the bill at the Irvine Improv were Rick Rockwell, Howard Left and Dean Olsen.

A program to have inaugurated Sho, a performance-art venue which will not open as planned, will be held Sept. 13 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. “Short Works,” featuring such performance artists as John Fleck, Josie Roth and the Shrimps, will be staged at 7 p.m. and repeated at 9 p.m. Plans for Sho were scrapped this week after the death of UC Irvine performance-art student Robert Tyler, who was the main organizer behind the effort. Admission is $5, $4 for students. Information: (714) 759-1122.
