
Toting Up the Drinks

It appears social drinkers on both coasts imbibe less alcohol than people in the Midwest or the South. Social Climes asked catering managers at Hilton hotels in 12 cities how much alcohol per capita they would order for a typical event, a black-tie gala with a cocktail reception and dinner. Some managers change the amount of alcohol they plan according to the nature of the group holding the event.

* Beverly Hills. 3 drinks per person.

* Chicago: 5.

* Cincinnati: 4 to 5.

* Honolulu: 3.

* Las Vegas: 4 to 7.

* New Orleans: 4 to 5.

* New York City: 2.5.

* Orlando, Fla. 3 to 4.

* Portland: 2.5.

* San Diego: 3.

* San Francisco: 2.5.

* Washington, D.C.: 4 to 5.
