
Needy Knees Benefit From Exercising in Water

What’s the best way for exercisers with knee problems to stay in shape? Here are two views.

DR. GARY BRAZINA, staff physician, Century City Hospital; Beverly Hills orthopedic surgeon

“If a person has a knee problem, the best exercise is swimming or walking in a pool. Second, I recommend bicycling. Skating is also good, including roller skating. I tell patients to wear knee and wrist guards. Walking is excellent and can burn just as many calories as jogging. But don’t carry wrist or ankle weights. They can change your stride and set you up for injury. Stair-climbing machines can be excellent, but they are the most misused machines in the gym. If you have a knee problem, set the machine at light resistance. Don’t take big steps. Stand up very straight. Rest your hands lightly on the handles.”

PATRICIA BRILL, exercise physiologist and research associate, Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas

“A good exercise for people with knee problems is water aerobics. There is less resistance on the knees, and you can maintain or even improve fitness. Runners can try cycling.


“The jury is still out on the wisdom of stair-climbing machines for people with knee problems. I think they should stay away unless it is prescribed by a doctor for rehabilitation. The best bet for exercisers with knee problems is to ask a doctor trained in sports medicine for advice.”
