
The Squeeze on the Middle Class

Your editorial “The Squeeze on the Middle Class Is a Chokehold on the State” (Sept. 30) has got to be a classic. Hooray for you. I hope you have started something. How can we entice the inactive majority to get out and register and then vote on a regular basis?

If 75% to 80% of the potential voting population got out and voted and still voted to maintain the present type of self-serving politics, well then so be it. However, I’ll stake my life on the proposition that if a miracle did happen where everyone eligible to vote made that effort, there would be a difference. It seems too simple, but oh how difficult it is to shake the shackles of apathy.

I guess if people don’t care enough to vote, it figures the status quo will remain and we deserve that fate. We need leadership that will shake us loose because I cannot believe that three-quarters of the citizens of California really want what we have now.


