
Costumes at Prices That Aren’t Scary

Anyone who wants to predict what costumes will be hot this Halloween has only to run down the year’s entertainment hits. Whether it’s a motion picture, TV series or a theater production, the costumes worn by trick or treaters and their parents reflect the current favorites.

A visit to Robinson Beautilities--one of L.A.’s most complete and reasonably priced costume sources--will confirm the influence of the entertainment world on children and adults. Owner Belle Fisher said the most popular costumes for a couple are the Phantom of the Opera and his Christine. Each rent for $50. Christine is depicted in a lacy and voluminous gown and a wig. The phantom comes with an old-fashioned styled tux, cape, hat and signature mask.

Thanks to Kevin Costner, teen-agers and young adults are high on Robin Hood. The rentals run from $35 to $45 and the less-elaborate costumes for sale are about $22.95. Few requests have come in for Batman, but the Joker is holding his own. Ninja Turtles are still being sought, and at Robinson Beautilities the basic suits start selling at $12, while the more authentic ones for adults rent for $50. Accessories matched to the colors of turtles Michelangelo (orange) and Leonardo (blue) are available. Elvis never dies, and Fisher said they make at least 100 Elvis wigs in advance of the Halloween rush. Elvis wigs rent for $20-$25 and sell for $40-plus.


While bouncing to the strains of a nickelodeon, I glanced through the layaway racks and saw some interesting twosomes for rent. The Queen of Hearts will wear a 4-foot-high red satin heart and tiara for $35; the king’s outfit goes for $40. A tag on a reserved mermaid and Neptune read $119 for the pair. A Hershey’s Kiss complete with the signature paper coming out of the headgear was $35. Could one’s significant other be a chocolate bar, a can of Hershey’s syrup or maybe a carton of chocolate milk? You’re on your own there.

Rhett & Scarlett are still favorites and Robinson has a slew of gowns that a Southern belle would wear at a Tara ball. Most rent for around $50 and come with the big, floppy hats. TV’s Simpsons--Bart, Homer and Marge--can be inexpensively imitated with rubber masks that sell for $34 or rent for $12.

The selection at Robinson is remarkable because about a 10,000-square-foot area is jammed with costumes--most of them authentic and well-made--that Fisher has purchased over the last 25 years from local motion picture and television studios and in Europe. An embroidered velvet floor-length robe was worn by Richard Burton in one of his productions, possibly “The Taming of the Shrew.” Tights and tunic tops fit for Romeo or Mercutio are on the racks. None of these are for sale, although Fisher says many an adventurous dresser has asked to purchase them for street wear.


One yellow crepe ‘20s gown trimmed with a wreath of white feathers comes with an enormous matching hat--a Josephine Baker natural. At $75 complete, it is about the highest priced outfit in the store.

For the small fry, many costumes are for sale. First, check out the large close-out racks where last year’s costumes are marked from $6 to $12 and include favorites such as Raggedy Ann and Andy, clowns and some wonderful whales. And for those who just want accessories to jazz up a basic leotard, there are Captain Hook claws at $2.95, Cleopatra wigs for $20-$25 and angel wings for $12.95. The complete costume--bodysuit and headgear--for Dumbo, Garfield, Big Bird or a dinosaur, rents for $50.

Charges for alterations are minimal and often are included in the rental. A seamstress is on the premises. Rental periods are lenient; only $5 is charged for keeping a costume extra days. And while you’re putting your outfit together, you can enjoy a free hot dog and soda courtesy of Robinson.


Robinson Beautilities, 12320 Venice Blvd., Culver City. Open 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday, MasterCard, Visa, American Express. Call (213) 398-5757.

JEROLD’S SHOWROOM: In last week’s column an incorrect phone number was given for Jerold’s Catalogue Showroom. The number is (818) 788-8825.

Geri Cook’s Bargains column runs every Thursday in Valley View. Questions about shopping may be sent to her, in care of Valley View, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. Letters will not be answered individually, but topics of general interest will be discussed in future columns.
