
CSUN Referendum on Carl’s Jr. Continues

Students at Cal State Northridge continue voting today on a referendum to show whether they support the controversial establishment of a Carl’s Jr. fast-food franchise on campus.

Balloting began Tuesday on the non-binding referendum, which is polling student opinion on locating a Carl’s Jr. franchise in the university’s expanded bookstore complex. The CSUN Foundation Board of Trustees, which has already opened other fast-food franchises in different parts of the campus, decided to add a Carl’s Jr. after a student survey last spring showed that students wanted a hamburger franchise and preferred Carl’s Jr.

However, the decision ran into opposition from some students who objected to the political views of the chain’s founder, Carl Karcher. The students charged that Karcher has publicly supported anti-abortion causes and discrimination against gays and lesbians, and that the restaurant chain used an ad offensive to American Indians.


The referendum was placed on the ballot at the request of student members of the foundation. Results will be released Thursday. The foundation will make its decision Friday.
