
Willie Jackson’s Case Not an Isolated One

I want to commend The Times for its fine articles on Willie Jackson (Dec. 25). He is a young man who deserves high praise for his sweet character and his determination. So does his coach, Bill Norton, who shows deep concern for Willie.

As for Dean Garber’s feeling that he “would hate to see a student complete 24 units and not be able to read,” I find him to be out of touch with the reality of California community colleges. I am a professor of English as a Second Language at Los Angeles City College. I have students in my classes who have completed 24 units or more of college credit courses who cannot read or write much English--or any other language. Those who progress the fastest are those who have the desire, determination and positive attitude Willie possesses, and then get the kind of loving attention he is receiving at Pierce.

I believe that a college system that permits, even subsidizes, students from all over the world to learn literacy skills on our campuses should not turn its back on a fine American young man. If there is room for them, there is room for Willie.



Los Angeles
