
2 Cities Weigh Curfew, Tax to Curb Gang Violence

With rival gangs in Artesia and Hawaiian Gardens battling across their common municipal boundary, the two cities are looking at a curfew and a utility users tax to curb the lethal situation that one councilwoman compares to the “bubonic plague.” Gang violence in both cities claimed 16 lives last year.

The Artesia City Council on Monday will consider placing a utility tax on the June ballot to provide money for more anti-gang and street crime enforcement from the county Sheriff’s Department, which polices both cities. The Hawaiian Gardens council on Tuesday will discuss reinstating a 10 p.m. curfew for minors and fining parents of youngsters who violate curfew more than once.

Officials said that aside from the Artesia-Hawaiian Gardens gang conflict, Artesia gangs battle those from Norwalk and Paramount. “It’s not an easy one for Artesia,” said City Manager Paul Philips.
