
Infant Found in Bed of Pickup

An abandoned infant was found in the bed of a pickup truck outside a National City shopping mall Saturday evening, and police are asking for help in finding the mother.

The Caucasian baby girl, who is 1 or 2 days old, was found in the parking lot of the Plaza Bonita Shopping Center at 5:50 p.m. by a woman employee who was leaving work, said police officer Rudy Rudershausen of the National City Police Department.

The child was clad only in a diaper and wrapped in a pink blanket, he said.

The infant appears to be healthy, said Pauline Renner, nursing supervisor at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, where police took the baby for examination.


The infant, known only as Jane Doe, will probably remain at the hospital for a couple of days before she is turned over to the county Department of Social Services, Renner said.

The National City police are asking anyone with information on the infant to call them at 336-4411.

The infant’s mother faces a felony charge of child abandonment if she is located, Rudershausen said.
