
Bradley Wants to Speed Bond-Funded Projects

Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley Thursday asked the city’s Public Works Department to determine whether a number of bond-funded projects approved by voters over the past three years can be speeded up to create local jobs.

More than $516 million in bond measures approved by voters since 1989 have yet to be issued for public works projects involving city library branches and police facilities, among other things. Although voters approved $176 million in general obligation bonds in April, 1989, for the acquisition and renovation of police facilities, only $40.2 million has been issued, Bradley said.

In that same month, voters approved a $53.4 million bond measure for the rehabilitation of branch libraries, but only $24.2 million has been issued, he said. Voters also approved $376 million in June, 1990, to seismically upgrade municipal buildings, but only $39.5 million has so far been used, according to the mayor.
