
COUNTYWIDE : 60,000 Christmas Trees Are Recycled

More than 60,000 Christmas trees were recycled in Ventura County this year, or about 64% of all trees purchased countywide, officials said Wednesday.

As a result of the county’s tree recycling efforts, an estimated 526 tons of material was diverted from local landfills, officials said.

The used trees were turned into mulch, most of which was given free to the public in January.


County Solid Waste Management Department officials said they were pleased with the increase in recycled trees this year, up from 52,800 the previous year.

Brochures about tree recycling were provided to tree vendors, and a 60-second public service message was aired on local cable channels to boost awareness.

“Christmas tree purchases were down this year, so we didn’t know what to expect,” said Lorraine Timmons, resource recovery analyst for the county.


Figures are not available on the number of Christmas trees purchased in Ventura County in 1991.

However, based on National Christmas Tree Assn. statistics that one live tree is purchased for every 7.2 people, about 94,000 trees would have been purchased in the county last year.

Curbside Christmas tree recycling programs were available in several cities and unincorporated areas in the county. There were also 20 drop-off locations countywide.
