
A Question of Human Values

In “Score One for Cats” (Times Valley Edition, March 14), we have a clear example of what U.S. society has come to be. Twenty cats are going to share accommodations in a $100,000 home exclusively built for them. The felines will be flown (first class?) from New York to their new residence in Sherman Oaks.

My new neighbors have been guaranteed food and shelter for the rest of their lives. (Seven lives?) While some residents have expressed concerns about the new arrivals, most of their worries focus on property values.

No one seems to want to remember that we are in the middle of a recession with a large number of people unemployed. Farm workers only 20 miles from Sherman Oaks live in the fields in temporary shacks. Infant mortality keeps increasing. A larger percentage of American families are defined as poor. Discrimination against women and minorities continues.


I sincerely envy those 20 fellows who seem to be valued more than the homeless and despondent of society. My advice to the latter: Grow a tail and learn to meow. Egalitarian values and compassion for human beings are not priorities on our social agenda.

