
Tainted Money to Charity

Re “Letter Writers Hope to Sway Keating Judge” (April 5): I read with interest how Mother Teresa had received $1 million from Keating. Unfortunately, Mother Teresa did not know that it wasn’t Charlie’s money that she got, but that of hundreds, if not thousands, of elderly people.

Their lives will forever be changed, many reduced to the abject poverty she has so long seen in her great work in India.

Mother Teresa would not accept $1 million from a known drug cartel leader, knowing full well that those monies are stained with the blood of countless victims, the broken in spirit and heart, and the twisted lives of small children, some addicted at birth.


In my estimation, the taint of Charlie’s money is no different than if a drug lord had sent her the $1 million. He is a crook, and a hard 10 in the slammer is really the only deterrent message his evident greed and corruption deserves.


