
PLATFORM : Lower the Odds

<i> BEVERLY JORDALY, who works at Hi-Time Cellars, a Costa Mesa liquor store that sells lottery tickets, comments on why she believes fewer Californians are playing the games:</i>

I think people have gotten discouraged because there aren’t more small winners. (Sales have) dropped down like 40%.

I don’t really think that advertising has anything to do with it because there are enough people now that know about Lotto who either play it or they don’t. And if they play it they don’t ask and don’t know about the new games that are coming out. So it’s not like they’re not getting the information they need. I think they’re just discouraged no matter what kind of game it is. They might try it for the first week just for the heck of it.

They should put in for more smaller payoffs. When I say smaller I don’t mean $10 or the $5 or the $2--more like $500 winners. We have a pool at work; 13 or 14 of us are in it and we each put in $2 a week. I’ve been in it going on three years. But by the end of last year, I think we won enough that we each got $26.


(The multimillion-dollar pots) were a good idea when you’re first doing this like, “Oh, boy, you can be an instant millionaire.” But the odds just aren’t there.
