
Look Beyond the Poster

Our Lady Queen of Angels Seminary has received many calls and letters from Catholics and non-Catholics alike who opposed seminarian Robert Syto having a poster of Madonna on his cubicle wall (“The Boys Who Would Be Priests,” Valley View, April 16).

Wrote one person: “I would expect that a seminarian would have a picture of the Madonna on his wall, not a whore with the taken name of the Virgin Mary.” This seems more disgusting to me than a simple poster.

It wasn’t pornography, satanic literature, or anything of the sort. What’s wrong with a teen-age boy liking a pop star? Being a fan of Madonna’s music and parts of her message, I was deeply offended by attacks on a person’s right to choose who and what they listen to. Seminarians or not, we’re still human.


Considering that there are babies killed by abortion (something Madonna opposes), a godless society, and Lord knows what else in the world is going on, it seems to me asinine to become irate over a poster.

JEROME GONZALES, Mission Hills. Gonzales is a freshman at Our Lady Queen of Angels High School Seminary .
