

I don’t mean to place an undue burden of significance on Ruth Reichl’s useless “Chow, Baby!” (May 3). But it’s ironic that the article appeared the weekend of the L.A. riots, because it reflects the viewpoint that the rich are the only people who matter. Assumptions such as these have led to the ever-increasing gulf between the rich and the poor in this country.

It’s safe to presume that the 1,531,527 people who buy The Times on Sunday are not all wealthy, that many are barely getting by but can afford to eat out occasionally.

The most important aspect of any restaurant guide is the price range of the food at the restaurants covered. Nowhere in Reichl’s listings was price indicated. Many of your readers have to choose restaurants on the basis of cost, not with regard to decor, chefs or location. And it’s a sick comment on your magazine that you have written off these readers altogether.



Los Angeles
