
‘Antiquated’ Views vs. Modern Values

Way to go Tim Rutten (“Since When Did Working Women Become the Enemy?” Aug. 27). Barbara Bush’s and Marilyn Quayle’s speeches stirred up major conflict in me.

The First Lady insinuates I am immoral and horrible because I won’t stay home and raise a family exactly like hers. As a fourth-year female medical student who will never have a traditional family, I began to doubt my goals.

Thank you for setting me straight. It is Barbara Bush and Marilyn Quayle who should be feeling guilty. How dare they press their antiquated beliefs on American women? How can someone who grew up in a time when most women did not even consider working outside the home tell me how I should be? And why would Marilyn Quayle want to be “a satellite of her husband’s ambition”? At least Hillary Clinton knows about the real world and real working women’s problems.



Los Angeles
