
ACTON : Balloting Today for Town Council

Acton residents will go to the polls today to fill five open seats on the Acton Town Council from a field of seven candidates.

Balloting will be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Acton Community Center, 3748 W. Nickels Ave.

The nine-member council, established in 1989, is an advisory group that has no governmental authority over the unincorporated community. Four of the open seats have two-year terms and the fifth seat is for one year, the time remaining in the unexpired term that was left vacant when newspaper publisher Charles Brink was recalled last April.


Incumbents Michael Hughes and Richard Morris are running against challengers Bruce Bell, Jean Chacanaca, Kenneth Malpartida, Richard Milton and Herb Olmstead. Councilman Larry Smith and council President Bill Daniels are not seeking reelection.
