
CHESS RESULTS : Fischer-Spassky Game 10 Ends in Draw

The longest game of the “revenge match of the century” ended in a draw Saturday in Sveti Stefan, Yugoslavia, after 68 moves and 7 1/2 hours. In the contest between former world chess champions Boris Spassky of France and American Bobby Fischer, Fischer now holds a 4-2 lead, with four draws.

The 11th game is scheduled today. The match will continue until one player wins 10 games.

The moves of Saturday’s game are listed below.

Weekly chess column, B6

Spassky-Fischer 10: 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6

3 Nc3 Bb4 4 Qc2 d5 5 cxd5 exd5

6 Bg5 h6 7 Bh4 c5 8 dxc5 Nc6 9 e3 g5

10 Bg3 Qa5 11 Nf3 Ne4 12 Nd2 Nxc3

13 bxc3 Bxc3 14 Rb1 Qxc5 15 Rb5 Qa3

16 Rb3 Bxd2+ 17 Qxd2 Qa5

18 Bb5 Qxd2+ 19 Kxd2 Bd7

20 Bxc6 Bxc6 21 h4 Ke7 22 Be5 f6

23 Bd4 g4 24 Rc1 Ke6 25 Rb4 h5

26 Rc3 Rhc8 27 a4 b6 28 Kc2 Be8

29 Kb2 Rxc3 30 Bxc3 Rc8 31 e4 Bc6

32 exd5+ Bxd5 33 g3 Bc4 34 Bd4 Kd5

35 Be3 Rc7 36 Kc3 f5 37 Kb2 Ke6

38 Kc3 Bd5+ 39 Kb2 Be4 40 a5 bxa5

41 Rb5 a4 42 Rc5 Rb7+ 43 Ka3 a6

44 Kxa4 Bd5 45 Ka5 Ke5 46 Kxa6 Rb3

47 Rc7 Ke4 48 Rh7 Rxe3 49 fxe3 Kxe3

50 Rxh5 Be4 51 Rh8 Kf3 52 Re8 Kxg3

53 h5 Bd3+ 54 Kb6 f4 55 Kc5 f3

56 Kd4 Bf5 57 Rf8 Kf4 58 h6 g3

59 h7 g2 60 h8Q g1Q+ 61 Kc4 Qc1+

62 Kb3 Qc2+ 63 Kb4 Qe4+

64 Kc3 Qc6+ 65 Kb3 Qd5+

66 Kc3 Qd5+ 67 Kb2 Qb4+

68 Ka2, Drawn.
