
Frohnmayer on GOP Platform

I was delighted! Surprised! Shocked! Aroused! To read former NEA Chairman Frohnmayer’s column. Frohnmayer, once the obedient servant of the Bush Administration’s agenda to limit freedom of speech in our country, now declares that the Republican Party has belched up a campaign platform chock-full of unconstitutional planks and then proceeds to endorse Bill Clinton for President. Pinch me quick! As one of the gay artists Frohnmayer de-funded during his tenure at the NEA, I can only welcome him back to America and the Bill of Rights. Anything can now happen!

Maybe after the GOP defeat in November (and with time on their hands), George Bush and Dan Quayle will do volunteer work at the Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center! Orange County will pass a referendum rejecting the bigoted Republican “culture war”! Murphy Brown (and baby) will be in Washington for the Clinton-Gore inauguration! Thomas Jefferson will rise from the dead and cast out bigots and homophobes from our land! Frohnmayer, not a First Amendment absolutist, will be reappointed head of the NEA in a Democratic Administration!

After 12 long years, I am finally beginning to think this dark age is about to end. Thanks, John.



