
Link to Clinton Might Mean a Job Change for Greenberg

With baseball intent on restructuring the commissioner’s office and his role as deputy commissioner possibly in doubt, Steve Greenberg might be headed for a post in the administration of President-elect Bill Clinton.

Greenberg is a former Los Angeles law partner of Charles Manatt, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Mickey Kantor, who led the Clinton campaign and has long been influential in party politics. Reportedly, both Manatt, who is now based in Washington, and Kantor, who met with Clinton in Little Rock on Wednesday, are candidates for key positions in the new administration.

Asked Friday about the possibility of a Clinton assignment, Greenberg brought up the names of Manatt and Kantor and said: “They’re old friends and former law partners who I have kept in touch with and would be delighted to be reunited with at some point, but it would be premature to comment beyond that. I have a full plate here at baseball, and I’ll continue to plug away at it.”


Hired by former commissioner Fay Vincent to serve as deputy, Greenberg was asked if he would like to be considered a candidate to succeed Vincent.

“There’s not a search or job description yet, so it’s impossible to answer that,” he said. “I’m doing the job as deputy to the best of my ability. We’ll see what happens down the road.”
