
Undressing the Turkey

Thank you for printing the wonderful, Ultimate Turkey Recipe. It was put to use yesterday. All of the testing done in your kitchen has proved (at least to this cook) correct as to the predicted results in tenderness and overall even doneness. The trouble was with the removal of the dressing. It stuck stubbornly to the underside of the skin.

Could the problem be in the consistency of the dressing? A 14-pound bird was stuffed with two 6-ounce pouches of dry Mrs. Cubbison’s seasoned bread, 1/3 cup butter, 1 cup celery, 1 cup onion, chopped giblets and about 1 cup fresh chicken broth. The dressing was fairly moist going in. Although what was able to be scraped from the skin was delicious, it seemed a lot of volume had been baked onto the skin. Some of us ate the skin to get an equal share.

I would appreciate hearing your recommendations to remedy this otherwise “ultimate dish.”


Los Angeles

We found that the easiest way to serve the Ultimate Turkey is to carve the turkey with the dressing still under the skin. That way each slice of breast meat gets its own individual portion of dressing.
