
CULTURE WATCH : Sowing the Seeds of Wedded Bliss

Wedding registries are the bread and butter of Geary’s, David Orgell, Tiffany and similar emporiums of nuptial silver and crystal.

But Armstrong’s, the Home and Garden Place in West Los Angeles?

“We’ve found over the years that more women are our customers and are doing more of the garden and repair work,” explains Armstrong General Manager Kathryn Holmes. “The registry was a natural progression.”

Although Gorham and Waterford remain a bride’s best friends, Holmes continued, a new population of environmentally correct couples preferring less traditional ceremonies has produced a noticeable increase in green giving.


In recent months, brides have signed up for shovels, trash bags, weed rooters, hedge trimmers, marble and hand-carved touch plates, hoses and plant foods. Those closer to Cupid than the land have registered for double hammocks, outdoor love seats and orchids.

To date, no takers for a composter.

“But we did have one order for two cubic feet of steer manure and a posthole digger,” Holmes adds. “These are practical people.

“Frankly, (the posthole digger) will probably get used far more than an electric carving knife. I’ve still got mine and we’ve been married 20 years.”
