
Renovations at Manhattan YMCAs : Vanderbilt and Westside Y’s remain open during winter construction.

This winter, $6 million is being spent to upgrade two of New York City’s YMCAs.

Because the work is being done several floors at a time, the Vanderbilt and Westside YMCAs are able to continue accommodating guests. The renovations are expected to be completed by summer.

The Vanderbilt Y is at 224 East 47th St., telephone (212) 755-2410. It has 400 single rooms at $38 per night, and 125 twin rooms, which cost $48.

The Westside Y is at 5 West 63rd St., telephone (212) 787-4400. It has 242 single rooms available for $34 per night, and 31 twin rooms for $44 per night. YMCAs now offer budget accommodations in more than 90 countries. The YMCA of Greater New York, headquartered at the Vanderbilt Y, publishes a free directory of YMCAs, or affiliated facilities, that offer lodging. The 1993 edition, called “The Y’s Way--To Visit North America and Worldwide” lists 36 locations in the United States, Canada and five overseas countries.


One of the most popular foreign facilities, Israel’s Jerusalem International YMCA, is also being renovated and will not reopen until April 1. It’s more expensive than most Ys: 28 single rooms cost about $80 per night, and 42 twin rooms run about $85. It’s at 26 King David St., telephone from the United States 011-972-2-227-111.

Other foreign cities that have YMCAs offering lodging, and which are included in the 1993 directory, are Bangkok, Hong Kong, London and Auckland.

There is a reservation form in the directory. The charge for reservations at North American Ys is $3; reservations at foreign facilities cost $5. Reservations can also be made by calling (212) 308-2899.


The Y’s Way also organizes economical “do-it-yourself” packages for independent travelers visiting New York and New Orleans.

A three-night New York package includes accommodations, breakfasts, one dinner in Chinatown, a Harlem tour or bus tour of Lower New York, a tour to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, and a 90-minute Seaport Line Cruise. The price is $185 single, and $149 per person, twin.

Details are outlined in “The Y’s Way to Visit North America and Worldwide.” Free copies are available from The Y’s Way International, 224 East 47th St., New York 10017. Include a stamped self-addressed envelope.
