
VENTURA : City Council Approves Renewed Development

After three years of banning residential construction because of drought concerns, the Ventura City Council has decided to allow large-scale development.

The council on Monday voted 6 to 1 to allocate 500 housing units in the downtown area and 175 housing units elsewhere in the city each year until the year 2000. Thirty-five units will be set aside for small projects. A unit is a single-family home or an apartment.

Following a debate that lasted more than two hours, Councilwoman Cathy Bean voted against the measure, saying the city has not provided for enough low-income and affordable housing. Bean also said she is not convinced that there is enough water for an increased population.


According to city officials, the end of the drought, two new wells and the decision to build a desalination plant have given the city sufficient water to accommodate new residents.

City officials said developers will have until July 30 to apply for this year’s allocation. Developers who want to build downtown will be limited to a maximum of 100 housing units.
