
Tony Alamo

In response to “Alamo Blames Woes on Satan in Government Garb,” July 13:

Clever fellow this Tony Alamo. He manages to make wild accusations of how he is being persecuted and evokes sympathy from the reporter. I read this article at 5:30 a.m. and at 6 a.m. went for a walk.

There were strewn about the neighborhood leaflets written by Tony Alamo decrying the “Cult Awareness Network (CAN) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)” and “FBI Psychological Units at Quantico” which, according to Alamo, led the destruction of the Branch Davidians in Waco on April 19.

Alamo calls for “born again” class action lawsuits to stop the “fables created by the criminally insane Cult Awareness Network (CAN) against Christianity and broadcast by media who have been corrupted by this preposterous Nazi brainwashing organization.”


It is time we stop giving dangerous crackpots like Tony Alamo a sympathetic airing by the press.


Beverly Hills
