
SAN CLEMENTE : Car Thefts Trigger San Onofre Warning

A recent wave of thefts of older-model cars and pickup trucks at San Onofre State Beach has prompted the park rangers to post signs warning vehicle owners to beware.

Chief Ranger Mike Tope said the thefts have been a recurring problem, but the signs were posted in the popular overnight camping area after six vehicles were stolen in late June and early July.

Generally, the thieves take older-model cars or pickups--particularly Toyotas and GMC trucks--late in the evening or early in the morning while visitors to the 221-campsite park are asleep, Tope said.


“The older models are easier to hot-wire,” Tope said. “It’s been happening between 2 and 5 a.m. They just roll them down the road.”

The thefts have occurred most often at the southern end of the 3.2-mile beach park, located just south of San Clemente on land leased for the past 22 years from the U.S. Marine Corps, Tope said. But an alert park ranger also saw a motorcycle being taken from the shoulder of Interstate 5 next to the park and quickly called a California Highway Patrol officer, who recovered the stolen cycle.

“These (thieves) are pretty brave and real quiet,” Tope said.

The signs warn campers and park visitors to be on the lookout for suspicious people in the later hours of the night or early morning. They also advise campers to make sure their vehicles are locked and their belongings are secure.


The state park service has four campgrounds in the San Clemente and Dana Point area. They are San Onofre State Beach, San Mateo Campground, San Clemente State Park and Doheny State Park.
