
CYPRESS : Four Apply for Seat on Cable TV Panel

Four people have applied for appointment to a vacant seat on the Cypress Cable Television Commission.

Vying for the four-year term are: Joan Edwards, 53, an English teacher at Lexington Junior High School; Burt Cheifer, 50, a textile salesman; Louie Giampapa, 41, vice president of Teamsters Union Local 692 in Long Beach, and Donna Kriesel, 48, a coordinator at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Long Beach.

The commission vacancy was created in June when Richard Adams resigned, saying he didn’t have enough time to devote to the post, city officials said.


The job of the eight-member commission is to promote local programming efforts in the community, city officials said. It meets the first Thursday of each month.

The four candidates will be interviewed at 5 p.m. Aug. 23 at City Hall.
