
Private Contracts and Caltrans

* I was very pleased to see a Sacramento Superior Court judge issue a temporary restraining order allowing private engineering firms to continue their work for Caltrans, at least for the next three weeks (“Caltrans Told to Reinstate Private Contracts,” Aug. 6).

It is estimated that if Caltrans is barred from contracting out with such firms, as much as $1.5 billion worth of planned highway projects could be delayed even further, including seismic retrofit projects and locally funded transportation projects. This translates to a loss of more than 1,200 direct jobs and another 50,000 construction jobs. As your article points out, I have authored legislation which I feel is a fair solution to this complex problem.

SB 1209, which passed the Senate with bipartisan support, and is due to be heard in the Assembly Transportation Committee on Aug. 16, reaffirms Caltrans’ ability to utilize the private sector, to aid the state work force and finish needed transportation projects. In 1987 the Legislature passed and the governor signed my SB 516, which first gave Caltrans this ability. Continuing efforts have kept the department from fully implementing a contracting-out program.


By using private sector engineers, Caltrans can quickly respond to peaks in demand and adjust to slow periods without continually adding or firing members of its work force. It is important to maintain a strong state work force, but it is equally important to ensure that all management tools are available to the director of the Department of Transportation.

SB 1209 provides that no Caltrans employees would be terminated if the bill becomes law. Should SB 1209 pass, this will be my fourth bill giving, or reaffirming, Caltrans’ ability to contract out. The Legislature and two governors have clearly stated that Caltrans should have this authority. I call on the Legislature to pass SB 1209, so we can put this issue behind us and get on with developing a transportation system to take us into the 21st Century.


State Senate, R-Newport Beach
