
Teens Should Be Warned of Sex Perils

* There has been much controversy in the community recently about the distribution to teen-agers of the “safe sex” material at Newport Pier.

I am opposed to casually giving this information to young people for several reasons. I believe they should be told over and over again by adults and the media about the rewards of abstinence. In fact, if they abstain they will experience a feeling greater than the feeling of the enjoyment of sex. It’s called freedom from worry: worry about AIDS, herpes, syphilis, genital warts, gonorrhea, chlamydial infection or pregnancy.

They should told over and over about the high risks of infection with condom use. We should tell them condom use is like Russian roulette. Condoms need to be used 100% correctly 100% of the time. How many teen-agers can be counted on to do their chores correctly 100% of the time? How can we expect them to remember all that they must do to use a condom?


It is our responsibility as a community to be honest and fair with our young people. We are cheating them and our future if we fail to tell them that it’s a worthwhile goal and not impossible to wait for marriage and that the possibilities of infection increase with condom use. We have a constitutional right to pass out whatever literature we desire. Instead of working so hard to promote teen-age sex, we must talk to them honestly and thoroughly about abstinence. Their lives depend on it.


Costa Mesa
