
Vandals Smash Windows of 30 Vehicles : Santa Clarita: Authorities believe one or two individuals caused the damage--estimated at more than $5,000--along a three-block area.

Vandals went on an early morning spree Monday along three blocks in Santa Clarita, smashing the windows of 30 vehicles in a normally quiet residential neighborhood.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said one or two vandals did more than $5,000 in damage between midnight and 5 a.m., but that the department received no reports of theft from the cars parked along Carrousel, Flowerpark and Nasturtium drives.

“It appears to be strictly vandalism,” Lt. Dan Reidder said. “Probably one or two people at the most just decided to wreak some havoc.”


If that was their goal, they succeeded, at least in the case of Debra Zahn, whose early model Ford Escort received a broken window.

“It was like a drive-by thing. You could see that somebody had to be either walking along and hit it or driving along and leaning out the window,” said Zahn, who was forced to postpone a trip to Las Vegas to see her newborn niece for the first time.

Only cars parked on the street along the west side of Flowerpark Drive were hit by the vandals, Zahn said, and not every car was struck.


“It was just a random thing, not every car got popped,” said Zahn, whose driveway contained two cars that were untouched. “This is the first time something like this has ever happened here.”
